Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to School Resolution: No more frazzled mornings!

As you prepare to go ‘Back to School’ this fall… get together with the family and plan a routine that gives you a stress-free start to the day! Include your child in the decision-making.

No one likes arguing about every detailed thing with a cranky, tired child in the morning, so make your morning routine as predictable and ‘ready to go’ as possible!
  • Get enough sleep
    • Set a consistent bed & wake-up time and stick to it… even when you all want "just one more minute" of sleep or to watch just “one more episode”.
  • Lay Out Clothes the Night Before
    • Make it a fun part of the bedtime routine. OR on Sunday night put together hangers labeled M, T, W, Th, F for each of your kiddos. Don't forget socks and shoes!
  • Schedule Breakfast
    • These are fun to plan in advance as well. Set up a schedule where each kid gets to eat his or her favorite meal on a certain day of the week. Its great if you can make it predictable so when your kids are whining and demanding you turn into a short order cook you can respond and say, “sorry, we agreed Wednesdays are oatmeal day!” If you know Mondays are toughest for your family make Mondays cereal day! :)
  • Weekly Lunch Prep
    • On Sunday, divide your favorite lunch treats five ways and have it ready to grab and go. It’s funny how much kids love dividing their chips and fruit into little containers for the week!
  • Give everyone a job!
    • Don’t take on all the tasks yourself! Let your kids learn some responsibility while giving yourself some extra time to put on some make-up and do your hair! :) 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If You REALLY Want Your Child's Attention... Whisper!

Having difficulty keeping a neutral tone when your child is yelling or making demands? The next time your child is engaging in disruptive behaviors or makes a loud demand try responding in a whisper.

Whispering helps parents remain calm and appear 'unbothered' by the child's meltdown. This also helps to deescalate the situation because your tone will serve as a calming source.  As you get down on their level and whisper in their ear, you may be surprised to find that your child becomes calmer and more focused as they attempt to listen to what you are saying.

This trick especially comes in handy for parents who have a hard time not showing emotion on their faces. Try approaching your child from behind or from the side (the intent is not to scare them) and place your hands on their shoulders as you whisper in their ear...this way they can't see your reactions and are instead only paying attention to your words and calm tone.