Friday, June 22, 2012

Bathing suit season and Body image

Body image is one of the ways we perceive ourselves and for teens it is often a disproportionate gauge of their self worth.  As a parent it is important to lay a healthy, positive foundation for your children at an early age.  You are your children’s first teachers and have a profound impact on who they are and how they develop a sense of self.  Verbalize your love and affection for them at an early age and continue this for the rest of their lives. Your children also pick up on your nonverbal messages so be conscious not only of what you are saying, but also how your body language is communicating your thoughts.  Remind them that they are unique and highlight their strengths at an early age. Although this is not a direct dialogue about body image, it lays a strong foundation for them to build off of when those insecurities start seeping in.  

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your body type is, chances are the struggle with body image has crept in at one point in your life.  When this happens with your children it may be your first instinct to dismiss their concerns and tell them they are beautiful just the way they are.  However, don’t’ jump in right away - let them talk to you about it and voice their concerns first.  Then have a dialogue with them about healthy body image (as the celebrity ‘norm’ is not necessarily healthy or the norm) and say your peace.  Ask them how you can help them feel more secure and, as always, ensure them of your love and admiration for them.  In addition, keep healthy food options as a staple in your home and promote a healthy lifestyle throughout the course of their life.

Monday, June 11, 2012

School’s out… now what?!

School’s out… now what?! Here are some fun summer activities:
  • Work with your child to create a story of their life book: this is a great chance to rehash fun memories and focus on their experiences that made them who they are! Work on this a little each week and this can be a fun, ongoing activity all summer.
  • Create a book club with your child/ren.  What better way to encourage your kids to read then to do it with them?! This offers opportunities for good conversation and processing.
  • Garden together! Get or plant to take care of all summer. It sounds silly, but name the plants. This will increase their investment in it. An easy way to encourage a green lifestyle and teach responsibility at the same time!
  • Decorate canvas grocery bags together.  This is a fun art activity that you can use on a weekly basis. Your children will take great pride in the fact that you use the bags they decorated when you shop.
  • Organize a game night and plan it together!
  • Have your child teach you something!  Give them the reigns to teach you something. This is a wonderful opportunity to support your child and build confidence.
  • Make a playlist with your child that you can listen to in the home or in the car.  Put a good mix or your music and their music on the list.  This is an opportunity to learn about your child’s interests, teach them about different music and have some engaging dialogue.
  • Get out and get active with them! Ride bikes, walk, play basketball, anything that gets you moving and engaging in an activity together!

 All the while, get chatting!  Activities offer a nonthreatening way to engage and catch up on what’s important in your child’s life.  Sit back and listen - in no time you will be aware of what is going on and what it most important to them. If they’re talking about it means it’s important to them!