Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sending love from home... college care packages!

Love from home:

So your kiddo is starting their first week back at college. This can be a tough transition that leaves many teens feeling homesick after the excitement of being back to school, connecting with friends, and decorating their dorm room wears off.

Care packages are great ways to let your kids know you are thinking of them. Going to the mailbox and seeing a package or even just a quick note can turn your student’s stressful or homesick day around.

Some ideas:

  • Their favorite homemade treats like cookies, brownies, rice krispies etc. (Be sure to send your package priority mail so it all arrives fresh! The flat rate boxes are an excellent deal)
  • Snack foods for late night studying (my teen requested 'healthy' snacks, to counter the unhealthy cafeteria food!)
  • Quarters for laundry (double check that their school doesn’t require laundry money be loaded on their university card)
  • Postage Stamps (no hidden agenda here. wink!)
  • Pictures from home (make a homemade card with pictures! Or use shutterfly if you are not a crafty type)
  • Gift certificates to local restaurants
  • Hygiene products (deodorant, contact solution, tampons, razors, etc.)
  • Amazon gift card (this can be very useful for textbooks)
  • Laptop cover/case
  • Earplugs
  • Tea/Coffee
  • A Frisbee or other sports equipment that can encourage them to get outside to make friends

*Don’t forget to include a handwritten note letting them know how proud you are :) *

1 comment:

  1. Grate post, care packages are nice ways to let your kids know you are thinking to them, lick as collage care packages. i like it. thanks..

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